Passage to Naples

Passage to Naples

Regular price $728.00 Sale



April 2026


Parthenope was one of the Sirens in Greek mythology. 
Her name means "Maiden-voiced". 
The Bird Goddess represents nourishment and the cycle of birth/death/rebirth. Naples has a long history of birth/death/rebirth and we are going to be exploring all of it on this journey. 

Naples is beautiful, emotional, passionate, wild hearted to the max, untameable. Naples is ancient, exciting, tragic and inspirational all at the same time. Parthenope's vulnerability gave her infamy. The legends say that she gave herself wholeheartedly to love, and though her love and desire was not reciprocated, her song and her story is woven deeply into the warp and weft of the city that is Naples and the country that is Sud Italia. If you listen deeply, you can still hear it.

Join us for a glorious and exciting week in the classic, historic and exhilarating city of Naples and its surroundings, April 2026. Most of our immigrant ancestors from Sud Italia, booked passage to America on ships embarking from Naples. We, their descendants, are booking passage back again…to our origins, to our roots, to our ancestral lineage, to the wisdom that has sustained a proud, beautiful and accomplished people for millennia. Rediscover lost cultural threads, reweave them back into the fabric of your modern, daily life, welcome new ancestral connections and allow them to inform your work and restore your spirit. I absolutely love Naples and it is my great joy to share it with you! 

We’ll spend a week together exploring the wild heart of Parthenope/Naples with her beyond-amazing collection of ancient history, legends, magic, fabulous old world art and culture. We will feast on some of the freshest and most fabulously delicious traditional foods in this world - impeccably prepared ocean-fresh seafoods, garden fresh fruits and vegetables…olives, eggplant…mozzerella, salciccia…Napoletan traditional pasta dishes, the best pizza in the world!

We’ll be diving deep into Napoletan art, history and culture and falling in love with timeless, exotic, awe-inspiring Naples and her salt-of-the earth people.

We’re offering this journey as a cultural immersion trip; we’ll be seeing and experiencing some of the most remarkable and world renowned Old World art, archaeological and cultural sites on earth, be surrounded with classic and beautiful architecture and roam through ancient streets, squares, alleys, museums, churches and catacombs, as well as unrivaled medical, botanical and ethnobotanical collections. We’ll be eating in 5 star restaurants every day and enjoying the finest and freshest cuisine Naples has to offer.  We’ll be stepping into ancient history with one foot and into the real life timeless soul of the city that is Naples with the other!

Join us for what will prove to be a most memorable, enjoyable and inspirational journey into the wild heart of Parthenope!

Each day begins with a group smudge and a prayer, a blessing and an invocation. We honor and give thanks to the animate world, to our guardians and our ancestors and we invite them to be with us. We ask for their blessing and protection.  In this way, we set the foundation for magic to unfold and mysteries to be revealed. 

7 days…$5,989…includes housing and dinner every night, transportation to all sites and all entrance fees. We’ll be staying in a comfortable, gated, well situated apartment in Naples in a safe and secure location.  Your fee does not include airfare. 

You may place your $500 non-refundable deposit now to hold a space using the button at the top of the page. The remainder of your payment of $5,489 is due by February 1, 2026. We prefer you send us a check made out to Gail Faith Edwards for that amount. Using a credit card or Paypal to make the final payment incurs an additional $150 to cover bank and website processing fees.
Our Passage to Naples cancellation policy: All deposits are non-refundable.  If you cancel within 60 days of the tour start date you will be refunded half your payment. If you cancel within 30 days of the tour start date you will forfeit your payment.

Place your $500 deposit now to hold your place for 
Passage to Naples, a springtime journey of magic, mystery, art, history, Napoletan cuisine and connection! The remainder of your fee isn’t due until the first of February 2026!

Thank you for visiting ~ blessings on your day!