Anise Hyssop

Agastache foeniculum


Sometimes known as licorice mint, this herb has a unique flavor. Very cooling on a hot summer day, leaves and flowers are soothing to the stomach. Throughout Asia, anise hyssop is used to treat colds, bronchial congestion, and flu.

During mid to late summer, the flowers attract multitudes of bees, butterflies, pollinating insects and people with their wonderful aroma and beautiful purple color. Known as kuntze to the Chippewa, the roots are used to ease coughs and respiratory ailments.

The First Nations of the American Plains used the leaves and flowers as a flavoring for other medicines. The Cree place anise hyssop flowers in their medicine bundles. I like anise hyssop leaves and flowers combined with a bit of peppermint and orange peel in a tea I call Mintea Mainea.