Casa dei Sogni Curativa
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Casa dei Sogni Curativa
- starts Sunday, November 10,
I’m excited to invite you to join me for a profound and transformative experience.
Come dream with me! This is a call for the dreamers among us, the myth makers, the shape shifters, edge walkers, the intentionally creative, the architects of consciousness as well as all those in need of deep change or self healing, whether physical, emotional or spiritual, personal or ancestral.
Over the next several weeks, as the dark descends and the veil between worlds thins, we will create a virtual Healing Dream Temple in the Sud Italian Asclepion Tradition. I welcome you to step across the threshold with me into a rich and ancient, still thriving mode of healing.
Dream incubation is a powerful ritual of delving deep and resurfacing with treasures, that are uniquely your own, treasures that you already have, treasures waiting to be released and recovered, celebrated and activated in our daily lives.
It’s ritual, it’s clearing, cleansing, exorcism; it’s a healing, praying, dreaming practice…it’s about moving stagnant, stuck energy, as well as naming, claiming and accessing hidden parts of self. It’s self directed, initiatory, transformative.
We will learn the history of dream incubation as practiced by the Egyptians, Greeks and Southern Italians and put it into practice while employing art, myth, prayer, rhythm, water, salt and plants to incubate a Healing Dream.
We will invoke the guardianship, protection and help of the physician god Asclepius and his five daughters, as well as several thaurmaturgic (miracle working) Saints and the Shamanic Madonnas.
Our Healing Dream temple will be open for four weeks, four Sundays in a row. Please note, this is not dream interpretation in the Freudian or Jungian sense. This is soul work - ancient, pure, ancestral, divinely inspired, traditional, Old World.
Our Healing Dream Temple, Casa dei Sogni Curativa, takes place online, opens on Sunday, November 10 and continues for four consecutive Sundays. We will meet via zoom. Recordings will be available. I welcome you to join us. Save your place today!
The fee is $295. You will receive the zoom link a few days before we begin.
also included:
Dream Journal Template
Guided Meditation
Glossary of Dream Symbols and Archetypes
List of Resources for Further Learning
“This four-week journey was one of the most precious shamanic classes and experiences I have taken on a personal and practical level.”
“I highly recommend this sweet, gentle, healing course to anyone seeking to connect to their ancestral spiritual roots of Sud Italia, anyone looking to find some magic, anyone seeking to hone their shamanic practice or further their historical esoteric knowledge.”
“Having the kind and masterful Asclepius as a travel partner, coupled with the sheer joy and depth of GFE’s teaching made for a first-class experience. No cheap ticket here.”
”This course took my dream work to an entirely new level!”
“Pushed to use artistic and spiritual ceremony, I was surprised and delighted in my own creations-so unusual for me.”
Lesson 1 - Foundations of Dream Healing & Divine Guidance
• Topics: Asclepian Healing Dream Tradition, Oracular Divination, Dream Allies (Gods, Saints, Sciamana Madonnas), History & Evolution to Christian Era.
• Activities: Introduction to offerings and prayer; creating a simple art project as an offering.
• Practice: Preparing and blessing the Dreaming Space for incubation.
Lesson 2: Tree of Life, Sacred Rituals, and Personal Constitution
• Topics: The World Tree/Cosmic Tree, Temperaments & Constitutions, Tissue States, Flower of Medicine, Sybil of Cumae, Protective Stones & Amulets.
• Activities: Creating an art project inspired by the World Tree.
• Practice: Learning and practicing the Hissing Breath for incubation trance.
Lesson 3: Protective Forces and Dream Empowerment
• Topics: Protective Substances (Amber, Coral), Dream Enhancing Herbs, Rituals for Purification & Protection, Water & Salt, Dream Recall Techniques.
• Activities: Ancient Egyptian Dream Amulet art project.
• Practice: Developing personal rituals for dream recall and incubation.
Lesson 4: Dream Integration and Personal Transformation
• Topics: Dream Diagnosis, Soul Work, Nature and Animal Symbols in Dreams, Dreams as Healing Initiations.
• Activities: Sharing dreams and interpretations, discussing integration of dream insights into daily life. Paint or draw an image of your dream.
• Practice: Group reflection and personal sharing session.