Earth & Spirit Southern Italian Journeys
Join us this October 2025 for this unique journey, encouraged by the people in my village, so they can share their amazing Old World skills and ways with you! We're going to mix it up on this journey, spend most of our time right in our valley, on our sacred mountain and in our local villages learning skills with the local people.
During this ten day pilgrimage in May 2026 we will meet, comune with, honor and make our prayers to Great Mother in her ancient personifications as Hera/Juno/Uni, Demeter/Ceres, Cybele, Diana/Artemis, Menrva/Athena and always, Maria. Most of these sites go back to ancient indigenous Italic tribal peoples and their Goddesses, in place long before Indo European and Greek contact. These are the Great Mothers venerated by our Sud Italian tribal ancestors, our grandmothers of long ago.
What our journey participants are saying:
“Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart, for sharing your beloved lands and Madonna’s. It truly was a fantastic trip and I feel so loved and nourished. Loved it all. My room and all the staff, THE FOOD, our driver, the plants, trees, ruins, healing waters, the procession, the ferry ride, the architecture, the dream temple, the sun, the rain, and your big beautiful loving, joyful heart. It was amazing to see Italy through your eyes. I am so touched.” Sherry
“For me, I feel like the journey keeps unfolding, and the precious love of the Madonna surrounds me. I’ve noticed that my intuition is much stronger. I definitely feel renewed in a spiritual way and excited to move forward. Thanks again Gail, for guiding us on a sacred journey to your homelands, your beloved Southern Italy. It was such a unique opportunity to experience it through your heart. I’ll never ever forget it!” S. Ellefson
"I still carry that trip in my heart. It was so wonderful. Thank you Gail for showing us a really transformative experience." Judy P
"I had a wonderful time and congratulate you, Rosa and Adam for your hard work, long hours, and dedication. Everything you did was aimed at our pleasure and you sure hit the mark...this trip was exactly right and I treasure every minute of it." J. Cohen"The Earth & Spirit Journey was exactly right, perfect, for me! I registered with hopes of spending some contemplative time with Our Lady, feeling closer to my ancestors and ancestral ways, and being inspired to renew my journaling practice. Mission accomplished on all three fronts!" L. King
"Your obvious love and enthusiasm as well as your incredible wealth of knowledge of this area, its people, history, culture, ancestral ways and the Divine Feminine all combine to make you a most outstanding guide. So happy to have come along with you!" T. Fleiss
"It's nearly impossible to plan a trip that will please everyone. Yet, with a small group like ours, it was possible to remain flexible and responsive to each participant. You did that beautifully, effortlessly and I am very grateful. Thank you." P. Post
"We all agreed that the trip was the trip of a lifetime—no other way could we have stayed in the village without your family connections. To be so remote, without tourists around, and out in the hills and the very special Valley of Diana, was something none of us will ever forget. Also, we all agreed that you were the perfect guide to the sacred sites we visited—your enthusiasm, knowledge and delight were wonderful to be part of." D. Lightbody
"This has been a deeply soul nourishing, healing and life changing experience that I will carry in my heart for the rest of my life." L. Shaeffer
"Fantastic, amazing, fun time! Came home inspired, renewed and spiritually restored. Thank you so much!" R. Roveto
"Every day I thought to myself, 'this must be the highlight'...only to be repeated the very next day. The places we visited were classic. I feel I touched the spirit of my ancestors in ways I had not anticipated and more than that, found a part of myself I did not know was lost." K. Foster
"My daughter and I had the most wonderful, soul nourishing time. In fact, we both grew in ways we are still astonished about. Thank you for all the work you've done to provide such a magnificent container for ancestral connection and spiritual growth."
"The itinerary was perfect—I loved every place we visited, and the slow paced, nourishing rhythm of it all." M. Melina
"Rave reviews for the place we stayed…absolutely perfect! Rave reviews also for our chefs — though the portions were daunting, the food was exceptional in both preparation and the fact that it represented dishes traditionally used. Wouldn’t change one iota of this entire experience!" K. White
"You have a magnetic personality and a very calming presence. Your village and its people are absolutely amazing and inspiring. We all had a fabulous time." N. Lovelace
"I had the most incredible, magical, life-altering trip. Thank you!" C. Perry