Baltic Amber Extract

Regular price $30.00 Sale

Baltic amber tincture, Succinate, is made with pharmaceutical grade Baltic amber extracted in certified organic alcohol.

Dosage: The traditional Polish recipe is 1 drop on the first day, 2 on the second, 3 on the third, all the way up to 10 drops on the tenth day, then reverse and take 9 drops, 8, 7 and so on until the 19th day when you take one last drop dose. This is considered one full course of treatment. Rest for ten days before starting another course.

Some people, the weak, the very sick, those with multiple infections, may find it hard to go up beyond five to seven drops before feeling ill. Find the comfort level and stay there for three weeks. This may be as little as 1 or 2 drops daily.

Alternately, for treating viral, fungal or bacterial infections, 1 or 2 drops per day in water daily for 3 weeks can be an effective dose. Then take a ten-day rest.

For Tick/Lyme prevention, we use one drop daily in water, during the entire tick season, taking a one-week break every three weeks.

Baltic amber tincture is traditionally used to enhance immunity, counter bacterial, fungal and viral infections, to bring down inflammation, relieve pain, calm stress, nourish the nervous, cardiovascular and glandular systems, balance hormones and restore vitality. We take the drops in water, but they can also be placed on the surface of the tongue, held there for several seconds and then swallowed.

.5oz Amber Dropper Bottle

Read more about Baltic Amber:

Natural Baltic Amber: Magnetic, Adaptogenic, Universally Applicable 

The Medicinal Use, Preparation & Application of Baltic Amber

Materia Medica Entry