She Who Brings the Light
Candlemas is a beautiful earth based celebration of the growing light, an honoring of the Holy Sun and one of our most ancient communal celebrations. This cross quarter day has long held associations with purification, protection, renewal, growth, prosperity and prophecy. It is an ancient festival of celebrating the Divine Feminine as Light Bringer, and since the 4th century has been a very special day of honoring Blessed Mother Mary.
According to the Christian calendar this is the day we traditionally bless and sanctify our candles that will be used in the year ahead. As part of the blessing prayer we give special thanks to the bees who produce the beeswax from which the candles are made. And, further acknowledge that it is the bees work that has helped to bring us the light.
In the ancient Mediterranean world, Lupercalia was the Roman festival of purification held during these cross quarter days. The theme of purification was carried into the Christian Era and was celebrated as the Purification of Mary. The feast recalls the story of Mary and Joseph going to the temple 40 days after the birth of their son, for a Purification ritual, as was required by Jewish law. They brought two doves as their offering that day and were greeted by two elders. The old man, Simeon, recognized their infant, Jesus, as the one he had been waiting for. He said this baby was destined for great things, and that many would fall because of him…and that Mary’s own soul would be pierced by a sword. The old prophetess, Anna, who lived at the temple day and night, also proclaimed great joy at the sight of this holy family. It’s a beautiful story about two wise elders welcoming, recognizing, blessing and making room for new life. And their awareness that greatness, pain and sorrow are somehow inexplicably linked…just as light and dark are, right now at this peak point between winter solstice and spring equinox.
11" x 17" print originally created with Golden acrylics & Terra di Colori paints. Your print will be signed and numbered by Gail, then carefully rolled and sent in a cardboard tube. Frame not included. Note cards are blank inside and come with a kraft envelope.
"I use vibrant color(often sourced from minerals and botanical sources gathered at sites I visit and the essence of which I want to depict), line, symbol, image, rhythm and word, to expand consciousness, share ideas, enhance connection, push boundaries, question limitations, accentuate the luminous, initiate healing and express my wild heart, soul and spirituality. My work is informed by the natural world around me - the plants, trees, mountains, waters, wild animals, bird song and all the textures, sounds and aromas of the living Earth expressing herself. I draw inspiration for my work from the deep well of the Divine Feminine, as well as from Old World myths, sacred stories, poetry, art and culture."
Gail Faith Edwards